Fishy Figures

242 pieces

There was a bit too much blue background cut the whole rectangular print into a puzzle, so I just pulled in the outline to form a random wavy edge, but specifically leaving some of the fish's fins poking out from the edge as a surprise. Pulling in the edge also gave me the opportunity to cut many figure pieces “leaping” out from the edge. I had only done this with a few figure pieces in all my previous puzzle, but here I have 9 sea-realated figure pieces that interlock naturally via their shape (e.g., their tail or claws) instead of a knob which would look awkward on the figure piece.

There are additional figure pieces in the puzzle’s interior, including the recipient’s initials (EAG, to the right of the fish’s left eye).

Finally, sliver dropouts form the outline of an angel fish in the fish’s yellow belly area.

Details of the figure pieces: